Saturday afternoon Margot and I headed out to the Vanderburgh 4-H grounds to see what the Frog Follies are all about.
What it is all about is the largest street rod show in the country.
The show is 37 years old and has grown from 44 cars the first year to over 4000!
It is huge! Lots of cars, vendors, campers, etc. All the hotels in Evansville are full.
This picture covers maybe 10% of the show area.
Click to enlarge. This is a 1928 Bugatti.
You see all sort of vehicles in all sort of condition. The vast majority are finished products that are in amazing condition.
This one has a huge supercharger stacked on its hemi engine. I can only imagine how much power this thing can put out.
Every color you can imagine - most of which have never been offered on a production vehicle.
To qualify for the show the car has to be pre-1949. I'm not sure exactly how that works. It seems like a lot of these have a lot of new parts or parts from a wide range of models and years. I wonder what the pre-1949 content requirement is exactly.

Is this an original production vehicle? It looks like it could be. Does anyone recognize what it is?
The guy driving this truck stopped so I could take a picture. As he passed me he thanked me for taking a picture of his car. He said that meant more than winning a trophy. I sort of doubt that but the sentiment stands - the owners like to show of their cars and like for them to be admired.
Not sure what this car is based on.
This guy was more or less continuously dusting off his car. He was parked along on of the main roads.
Can anyone identify it?
This had to be the smallest car there. It is a '48 Crosley.
This also had the smallest engine at the show. The air filter isn't much larger than a can of tuna.
Margot commented that she was expecting Dick Tracy or Roger Rabbit to get out the brown car in the background.
A stately looking vehicle.
Beverly Hillbillies, maybe?
Ed, Margot says this is a 1940 Pontiac - at least some part of it is.
Oh, the name ... apparently they held a bull frog race at the first event.