I was back in Spain for business over the last couple of weeks.
Here are a few pictures from around Murcia.
This is the Sanctuary Our Lady of the Fuensanta in the mountains south of Murcia. It dates back to the end of the 17th century.
I have seen this place on hillside on my way to the plant several times and wondered what it was all about. On Friday early evening Margot and I drove out to see if we could figure out how to get there.
The Spanish name is Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta.
Through the miracle of frequent flyer miles, Margot was able to join me for about 5 days.
She is standing in front of the Sanctuary with the city of Murcia in the valley behind.
Here is another shot from the other side.
The place was closed when we arrived but it is open for tours earlier in the day.
Click any of the pictures to enlarge them.
This is the Casa del Cabildo or Casa del Sacristan which I understand to mean the caretakers of the sanctuary and the monastery. It looked a little run down.
Here is another view from near the Cabildo. The building to the left of the sanctuary is the monastery.
This is the view from the sanctuary.
I'm not sure what this building is. It may be a former school. It is located a little higher on the hillside and to the west of the Fuensanta.
This passage way is between the sanctuary and the monastery.
Later in the evening we walked down to the center of Murcia. Sort of killing time until it got late enough to eat dinner. It is true that no one goes out for dinner until 9:00 PM or later.
This is a picture of the river side of the Palacio Episcopal which is the official seat of the Diocese of Cartagena.
Construction on this version of the Palacio Episcopal started in 1748.
This is the Cathedral of Murcia on Cardinal Belluga Square. The building in the right foreground is the opposite side of the same building above.
Here is the same picture, more or less, at night.
This is the back side of the cathedral. Notice the chain on the building facade.
This is a night picture of the Iglesia Conventual Santo Domingo
I published similar pictures in earlier blog postings that can be reached by clicking the links below.
Murcia, Spain Pictures <--- Click here.