Friday, March 12, 2010

Madrid - Walking Tour

Arrived with my colleagues in Madrid about 5:30 and set off on a walking tour as soon as we checked into the hotel. Madrid is a city of 6 to 8 story buildings - very few skyscrapers. There are a lot of monuments and fountains as you might expect for a country with such a long history.

This is a statue of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza in Plaza de Espana. Getting your picture next to a statue seems to be very popular the world over.

This is the Debod Temple - part of an ancient Egyptian temple that was to be covered when the Aswan dam was built. It was a gift from Egypt to Spain.

Lots of interesting architecture in Madrid.

This is a view of one end of the royal palace. The Spanish equivalent of Buckingham palace.

Another view.

Another other side.

The opposite end of the palace from the first view.

A church next to the palace.

Another church. I sort of lost track of where we were so I'm not sure of the significance of this one. Maybe I took the picture because I thought it looked neat.

Lots of curving streets and streets intersecting at odd angles. A map is required for first time visitors.

This is an old wet market that has been updated.

This is the view as we entered Plaza Mayor. It is just getting dark now and a little difficult to get good pictures. In the summer this place is very busy with outdoor restaurants. A little too cool the day we were there.

This building is also on Plaza Mayor.

We had a pre-dinner drink and snacks at this tapas bar on the Plaza Mayor. It was about 6:30 when we went in. Restaurants don't open until 8 or 9. We were routinely the first people in the restaurants when we showed up about 8:30.

Notice the Iberian hams hanging on the wall.

Later we walked back toward the hotel to have dinner. Here is another fountain and statue.

A lot of people on the street. A very vibrant city from what I could see.

This another tapas bar, I think. Notice all the hams hanging on the walls. Ham is a big deal in Spain. I just stuck my head in the door and took this shot as we walked by.

Another fountain near the hotel.

I can't believe I actually ate some of this appetizer. Those are artichokes and some sort of shell fish.

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